
I hired Jedds to remove an old Sugar maple from a narrow yard. They did the job with no damage to my garage and cleaned it all up that same day. Great service.

— Kevin S (Dewitt)

Jedds Tree Care promptly came to examine a downed tree and provide an estimate for its removal. They did the job fast and at the lowest bid. I'll call them again without hesitation for future lawn and garden needs.

— Ann K (Stockbridge)

Their team took down five trees in one day and did an immaculate clean-up. They took extra care not to disturb my lawn and garden. I highly recommend their service.

— David P (Lansing)

Jedds Tree Care is a complete yard service including branch trimming, pruning, stump removal and emergency tree removal. We offer same day emergency service 24/7. Jedds operates out of East Lansing, MI, but also serves the surrounding counties for your urban and rural needs. We provide tree and yard care for both commercial and residential clients. Customer satisfaction is our primary goal. Our business is fully insured. Safety is our number one priority. We have professional arborists on staff to deal with your special needs and we can handle any job, large or small.

Jedds Tree Care
201 Edward Ave.
Lansing, MI 48930
phone: 517.555.4811